Q16: To what extent should the guidance set out examples of methodologies or frameworks for the review of the effectiveness of risk management and internal controls systems?The guidance should provide companies with non-prescriptive guidance on assessing RM and IC systems with great emphasis on:
- roles and responsibilities of the board (and relevant committees), management, internal audit, process owners etc.;
- the importance of continuous monitoring of the systems and adaptation to the changing environments through risk assessment, control review in the light of key trends and significant operational events, regulation;
- importance of competence of those involved in the review from financial, business, compliance and sustainability perspective, continuous development of skills and cross-training between different teams within the company on order to provide for a holistic view for the assessment of the RM and IC systems.
It may be too limiting to include specific frameworks such as COSO into the Code as it may contradict the principles-based spirit of the Code, however, as a recommendation it will provide a reference point for companies, illustration of best practices and support greater uniformity of application of the Code and ease the discharge of supervisory functions.
Q17: Do you have any proposals regarding the definitional issues, e.g. what constitutes an effective risk management and internal controls system or a material weakness?It is suggested that the definition of a Material weakness be amended as follows:
A fault, deficiency or failure, or a number of such, in the design or operation of the risk management and internal control framework, such that there is a reasonable possibility that the company’s ability to identify, assess, respond to or monitor risks to its strategic, operational, reporting and compliance objectives in a timely manner is adversely affected